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03 diciembre, 2013

English Language Challenges

Being honest I never have liked English classes very much. I really like to know other languages and the capacity of understand something "stranger" and foreign, and I know you have to learn the theory first to be able to put it on practice but I always get bored studying grammar or things like that, even if I try to keep concentrate. I remember when I was at school, that it was hard to take attention in English class while we were doing the same exercises every time. This semester, however, the classes have been more likeable for the reason that we are using blogs and games to learn, even the video records have been something not so hard and not annoying. 
About my knowledge of English language, I think I need to improve the practical part, I mean, speaking. Even if I don't know all the grammatical rules I can write and read without big problems, but sometimes when I have to speak I forget how to use some words or I get tongue-tied. Nevertheless, I think in this semester I have progressed on that, I am, still, a little bit shy when I had to talk in English but not so much as before, and I will keep practicing.
Maybe the reason is that I practice too little speaking, outside the English class I am always reading articles of magazines or newspapers on internet, or other little texts that can be interesting. Also, I like to listen music and most of the bands or singers that I like are American or British, so I think that also can help to practice listening.

7 comentarios:

  1. Amika, you know italian and thats beautiful and it's cool.
    Your blog always were pretty :c Congratulations for that xdd

  2. do you really Know speaking italian language???
    I would love to learn that language!!!! I think it's so beautiful!


  3. Ohh I understand you. I also are bad with other languagesand finally I bored. But you know italian wow!! Then you can learn more and english too, you have time :)

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I also think that listen english music is a very good way to learn!

    Have a nice a time! :)

  6. Ok, I won't comment about your Italian skills cause it turns so mainstream (/ellalaunder/). I'm agree with the shy part, I think that most of the time that I don't participate in the debate of English is because of that.

    I dont know what more to say, lalalalL
    lala spam
    peace ~~

  7. I think the subject should be online. Those activities I can do in my free time :C
