Mi lista de blogs

12 noviembre, 2013


Hello people! Today's topic is money. 
Well, I don't consider myself as a person who is always worried about money, actually I would like that the economy works by exchange of products made by ourselves and reusing the things that other people rejected, but in the real world you only can get most of the things buying them. 
So, I think money is important to buy the products we need for living (even if you can make your own organic vegetable garden, for food for example, not all people can do that because of the places they live or other reasons) but we don't have to allow the money to became our owner, I mean, we have to be careful to became dependents of buying. 
Most of the money I spend is for food and transportation costs, but occasionally I also like to buying other things like clothes, books or accessories, I think when you grow up and have people depending on you it is more difficult and you have to organize your money differently, being more responsible and paying bills before spend it buying things for yourself. 
If I were a millionaire, maybe the first thing I would do is to pay the studies to all my family (that are very expensive in this country), buy nice houses where they can live for the rest of their lives and then I would put away a big part of the total amount in order to save it and no waste it. I also would like to donate money to non-governmental organizations and work with them, and in a more individual way I would like to spend the money travelling for the world.
I think is a little bit difficult to think if I had to pawn any of my belongings because generally in movies the people pawn gold things, furniture and even their houses, but I don't have any accessories made of gold and I live at my aunt's house so I couldn't pawn it, maybe it would be clothes or my cellphone, I don't know if a hockshop would pay properly for them. 

1 comentario:

  1. Is true, I think the same, in the real world you only can get most of the things buying them. Good blog! bye!
